Sunday 26 June 2011

Web 101 -Week 4

What is Web 2.0? Basically Web 2.0 is more dynamic which allows users to edit and view contents through their browsers. Web 1.0 was static, a more read only application which lacked interaction.

Although I was already aware of this change in Web technology however, what I did not know was that RSS was the main drive behind Web 2.0. I have seen RSS featured in many sites however I never know what it did till now :)

Web 2.0 was and is still a big hit with its social media, however from a financial prospective, it failed to deliver. I am sure that through Web 2.0's social media contributions it has generated significant revenues indirectly, however Web 2.0 still have not really presented a revolutionary way to really cash in on the new web technology since Web 1.0. (

Whats installed for Web 3.0? One thing for sure, Web 3.0 will be more technology driven rather than social. (

Johnny Ko

Saturday 18 June 2011

Web 101 - Week 3

The 'WayBackMachine' clearly demonstrated the evolution of the World Wide Web (WWW). The oldest Domino's Pizza website I could find was from 1996. The website was static with simple animated GIF and hypertexts. There was no search option, online order or enquiry options. In fact they did not even have email address listed on the home page 1999. This may be caused by the insecurity of the World Wide Web at that time. 

In 2000, Domono's Pizza website got its first interactive search function. The visitors can now find shop locations using ZIP Codes. In 2003 Domono's Pizza updated their homepage to include Flash animation. I believe Flash has contributed to the visual popularity of the web evolution during the past decade.

Now in 2011, Domono's Pizza website is equiped with interactive flash animations, twitter, facebook and back-end programmes to allow blogs, search, online orders and tracking functions.  

So where would the WWW go from here? I believe the next trend in web technology would be using Augmented Reality. No matter how much the web evolves, all it does is replace human interaction with digital. Maybe one day no one will need to step outside their homes to do anything :|

At my work, it is so technology driven that I was given the privilege to work from home every now and then.

Johnny Ko

Sunday 12 June 2011

Web 101 - Week 2

It seems that living in the western society we are all conditions to access Medias controlled by the U.S.A.

However, coming from an Asian background I do realise that the majority of Chinese people uses different website compared to western countries. They have similar functions however the contents and language are different. Here are some examples.

Facebook = /
Google =

Unfortunately the main reasons for Chinese people to access these websites are not the results of better quality however the reasons are due to government restrictions on available access to certain websites.

Johnny Ko

Thursday 2 June 2011

Web 101 - Week 1

This is my first time blogging. Not really sure what to write about... Nothing really exciting happened this week I guess except for listening to the new Arctic Monkey's album and PSN is back, FINALLY!!! :D 
By the way, this blog background template is called 'Awesome'! lol. (Isnt it just)

Week 1 reflection
After watching the Introduction video by Sky C. I have found the 'Star Wars Kid' case quite intriguing and did some further research to understand the effects of Digital Shadow.

I think it would be fair to say that the 'Star Wars Kid' video has misrepresented Ghyslain Raza's image and gave misleading perceptions of Mr Raza's persona. As a result Raza went into depression and seeked psychiatric care. (

Another danger of Digital Shadow is that it is static in time and cannot be removed once it goes viral. Digital Shadows are the conviction of post internet fame which the victims will be remembered by, despite of future events. A good example would be Kim Kardashian/Paris Hilton's sextape. (

Johnny Ko